Monday, March 10, 2008

lost time

the clock went forward an hour yesterday
i still don't get the whole daylight saving time hocus pocus n dun even bother to
enuf dat when it's time my clock regulate itself so i dun show up an hour early or late to any important class or event or wateva
an hour is a big a deal
in my case where 25 hrs a day is not enuf, losing an hour speaks volume
HUMONGOUS volume at dat
esp now wat's with exam just a week away
imagine yesterday waking up at 8 with sun burning on ur face n today the sun is just peeking thru
screwed up my circadian rhythm alright


pinksterz said...

haha same in egypt. last time i got fucked up big time with this time saving thingy x_X missed classes, dates (konon) and stuff

CT DALILAH said...

i know...very not convenient eh?whyla can't be like mesia...jam x penah tukar...matahari setia je every single day ikut schedule~